Tuesday 1 March 2011


The Journey began at 6:00AM on the coach to London Heathrow where there was a long 3 hour delay on the flight. When the emergency exit lights had been fixed we set off for our 12 hour long flight. Virgin made the flights more durable with movies, music and games to entertain everyone, as well as some surprisingly good food for a plane.

After eating, sleeping, reading, sleeping, movies and more sleeping we woke up to a rocky landing in TOKYO. The flight was worth the wait.

The Washington Hotel was in a place called Shinjuku. After arriving at the hotel around 2pm we decided to make the most of the day we had left. We set out to explore Shinjuku and find somewhere to eat. Dilemma one entailed understanding what food to go for with no English whatsoever, apart from pictures. Luckily I chose successfully with a pork sweet and sour.

After a long day of travelling our evening came to an end very quickly with sleep taking over.

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